01752 255 113
Find out more about the services we offer and the ways in which we can go the extra mile to be the bakery of choice for all customers seeking the finest quality, at the best value, with warm and friendly service.
Fill out our contact form below to send us a message. Alternatively, you can contact our Head Office directly:
+44 (0)1752 255113
Office Hours: 08:30 – 14:00 (Monday-Friday)
Friary Mill Bakery Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales
Company Registered Address: 8 Oakfield Place, Cattedown, Plymouth, Devon, England, PL4 0QA
Registered Number: 4618171
VAT No: 501 3399 76
Proud to be members of the Craft Bakers Association
Primary Authority: Horsham District Council